
Custom Prescription Orthotics

Footech Custom Prescription Orthoticsfootechvariouswm2.jpg - large

Footech is a trademark brand of custom foot orthotics manufactured in Australia by The Orthotic Laboratory.  Footech Orthotics provide traditional values of service, highest quality, over 28 years of specific podiatric technical experience and exceptional value to your Podiatry Clinic.
Prescription forms
Contact us to request a prescription pad. For your convenience the pads have a carbonless yellow copy or call or email us to receive an interactive prescription form by email . We suggest you keep it on your desk top for future use.
Plaster Casts Or Scanned image
The Orthotic Laboratory can process and manufacture orthotics from a plaster cast or a digital image.
Please contact us if you require the hardware to make the transition to digitally capturing the foot (see 'scanning' section on this website).
We have developed over the years a range of standards for devices and applied appropriate names, they appear on the prescription form and refer largely to the type of cover, device style and price points as follows:
Many options are available for shell and other materials including Various thicknesses and densities in Polypropylene, XT Carbon fibre and EVA. We also carry a large range of Top cover materials and soft tissue supplements, pads and additions that can be ordered via the prescription form to produce devices tailored to your patients specific requirements, extra cost may apply to some variations and additions refer to our current price list for details. Please see the 'Podiatry' section for detailed information on these materials and many other prescription variables. Or contact Us for any special requests that are not listed to check for availability toll free: 1800 800 315 local: 03 9898 8107 email:


Control.jpg - small    Control shell length cover, vinyl is standard  

     (As pictured standard grey polypropylene and

      standard  charcoal Vinyl cover)







ControlPlus.jpg - small    Control Plus - shell length cover with Soft Tissue

                               between top cover and shell.








Web.jpg - small    Web Sulcus length cover with STS on Web area only.








Performance.jpg - small   Performance Full length cover with STS extending

                                  heel to toes.

   (As Pictured standard grey polypropylene, full 1.5mm Poron/PPT STS,

    standard Charcoal vinyl top,  no cost optional small medial flap

      cover, no cost optional cambrelle bottom cover included and

      is recommended on devices with extensions)





PerformancePlus.jpg - small    Performance Plus Full length cover with STS over

                                           shell extending to toes with a

                                           high quality Neoprene top cover.









CourthoticHook.jpg - small   Courthotic A hook or full heel style can be ordered, the

                           default style is hook if nothing specified with

                           Web style cover including STS at forefoot.







CourthoticFullHeel.jpg - small   Full Heel Courthotic - A Device designed to narrower 

                                              margins and with a lower flatter

                                              heel cup for fitting in ladies and

                                              mens dress footwear or where

                                              room in shoe is minimal includes

                                              STS to web area under cover.