Digital Scanning
In our rapidly changing world the option of wireless, paperless, online, touch less are now features of everyday life. Many Podiatric practitioners want the option to achieve this in their practices. We can offer systems for Digital casting (scanning) available to you that integrate seamlessly with our state of the art uniquely individualized Cad Cam production system.
With only a few minutes practice and a couple of button clicks our newly available ‘’entry level’’ system can provide fast, Clean, effective, accurate and economical foot scans directly from the bare foot in seconds. We know Digital Casting may not be every practitioner’s preference but if you want to take advantage of at least the savings in time, logistics plaster, and transport costs then please Contact us for to discuss and arrange a demonstration.
What Is Scanning or Digital Casting?
Scanning is a method of capturing a digital 3dimensional image of an object in this case the Foot. Simplified it creates a grid of closely spaced points in space that represent the surface of the foot its contours and dimensions. This information is then able to be displayed by software to show a 3D image. The information is then able to be emailed as a file along with an electronic prescription and can then be used in specifically created software as an exact representation of the foot similar to cast.
This digital cast is then able to be altered by electronically adding subtracting or manipulating the Data according to prescription requirements to create an individual Prescription Orthotic Device.
What is the Scanning, Prescription and communication process?
The scanning process has evolved significantly in the last few years and is now extremely simple and fast with scans taking only seconds and only a few minutes to complete from start to finish.
Is scanning easy to master?
Yes our scanning system is extremely easy to use. Most practitioners find the learning curve very small. With the assistance of onscreen aiming and orientation guides usually become experts on the day of installation, becoming very fast and proficient at the whole scanning, saving prescription writing and emailing process within a short time.
Is scanning cost effective?
Absolutely!! Regardless of whether you choose to purchase a scanner outright or opt for another suitably agreeable arrangement depending on your practice’s individual circumstances the cost advantages cannot be overlooked. Immediately the cost of Plaster, courier / transport, cleaning, packing materials etc. are direct cost savings that conservatively average $20+* per pair in most practices. Other advantages are substantial savings of, Your time, Staff time, increased patient comfort, compliance and preference, new marketing opportunities, portability, Overall turnaround time savings**
Our latest easiest and most economical Scanner is currently available with arrangements to suit virtually any practice and can be incorporated in your account over a period of time to suit, may be available discounted or subsidized depending on multiple Scanner requirements or is currently available outright for Less than $1800*** Unlocked open format.
On direct savings alone less than 2 pairs per week would see your casting costs reduced to FREE in under 12months or even less if your practice volume is higher or when you negotiate a better deal based on your individual situation.
How big is the Equipment?
Our latest Scanner is not much bigger than a man’s hand 20cm x 9cm x 5cm and is usually mounted on Camera tripod or can be mounted on a Trolley or other arrangement to suit your Individual practice requirements.
What computer is required to run the scanner?
The Included Footech scanning software can usually be run on a computer desktop or laptop running windows7 or 8 and a minimum Intel i3 or above processor. It usually takes only a few minutes to install. It is also possible to operate on Mac computers running the windows 7 interface however this should be discussed directly before installation.
Can I Take Prone or Supine scans in the neutral position?
Yes! Scans can largely be taken using your preferred casting method and can be comfortably held in Neutral or a preferred casting position during scanning. Various Individual practice situations can easily be accommodated.
Is any special maintenance required?
No the Scanners are solid state and generally require no specific maintenance. However as with all electronic devices care should always be taken to avoid shock, water and harsh conditions. Should repairs be required we can generally affect these at our facility in Melbourne. A FREE loan or replacement scanner is available should repair be required.
How do I get One?
If you are interested in pursuing scanning please contact us to discuss a demonstration or further information. |